Who we are today.


The Justice & Witness Action Network (Network) is a justice movement of local churches, clergy and justice leaders of the Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ building and organizing power to secure a just and compassionate world for all.

Our work is grounded in a biblical understanding of justice, Central Atlantic Conference and UCC General Synod resolutions, consonant with a historic UCC witness, prophetic ministry and action, and a set of guiding principles to define our witness. 

We are building a powerful, faithful and impactful organizing network that educates and engages members in community organizing, grassroots advocacy, prophetic witness and action, civic engagement and political action and shaping public policy. 



A justice movement of the justice leaders, clergy and local churches of the Central Atlantic Conference, United Church of Christ building and organizing power to secure a just and compassionate world for all.



A powerful, faithful and effective Justice & Witness organizing network of justice leaders, clergy and local churches. 

Guiding Principles


Theologically and Biblically Grounded

Rooted in the theology of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the biblical concept of justice and peace;


Defining our agenda and setting our priorities based upon our historic witness, the needs of the people, and power analysis;

Community Organizing

Building lasting power and organizing with and for the self-interest of the poor and oppressed toward a common vision of justice and community;

Prophetic Witness & Direct Action

Boldly speak truth to power and engage in action that holds that power accountable;

Music & Arts

Power of music and arts builds community, defines our identity, preserves our stories, energizes action and leads the way;

Strategy Oriented

Be strategic in our approach and efforts to advance our agenda;

Coalition & Partnerships

Working with organizations with common goals and an agenda for collective power and action.

State & Regional Based Action Networks

Join people of faith across the Central Atlantic Conference, UCC as a united and uniting justice church organizing to have a transformational impact and create lasting change.